
Top Mistakes Job Seekers Make Today


Post date: 2020-06-19 03:03:57


Aimless job search

Relying On Online Job Posting and Application In Your Job Search

Being unprepared for interviews

Ineffective Networking

Either you are not following up or you are following up too aggressively

Final thought



Are you constantly making efforts in new job applications but did not get a call-back or an interview call from them? Then maybe you are doing big job search mistakes. Whenever you are looking for a new job, it’s a tough job itself. It takes a huge concentration and a great deal of effort. Whenever you are in the transition from student life to experienced professionals, you tend to do mistakes. And that makes the process harder than it has to be.

So, check out this article to get to know about the top 5 common mistakes that as a job seeker you must avoid.


Aimless job search

Before sending your resume, you must have a clear idea of what could be the ideal job for you. You should not write your resume in such a general manner to make it a fit for every open position you come across. Many fresh graduates may have a thought that applying every position in any company may increase their chances to get hired. But the situation is far different than the truth. By doing this you are just wasting your valuable time.

Most of the companies and business organizations now use ATS or resume filters to sort our resume based on some specific keywords. If you don’t have specific knowledge and experience about a field, then you cannot pass through the filter. And your resume just ends up being in the recycle bin.

What to do instead:

So before sending any further application, sit down and decide what type of job you are looking for. Map out how your skills and expertise can be in line with any company. Find connections in your dream organizations. Get more and more information to find out how suitable you are for that position. In that way, you will become more focused on your job search and can be able to create a goal-oriented resume. Avoiding this aimless job search mistake is incredibly important.


Relying On Online Job Posting and Application In Your Job Search


Most of the job seekers ended up searching jobs in very usual places. But looking for a job through “want ads” has become a little less standard solutions. However, one should not avoid them completely. As job ads that appear online are visible to other applicants too. Though the ATS-approved resume may give you a better chance, but still you will end up on a huge pile of other job applications. And most of the companies do not even advertise in a standard way. And use job boards or social media platforms-specific to the industry.


What to do instead:


Instead of the public job posting, you should try searching job ads especially in trade publications and dedicated websites of specific industries. Research all the companies you are trying to get in, check directly their social media profiles or career sites and then directly through sending a spontaneous application.


Being unprepared for interviews

To get hired, you have to make your first impression better in front of your potential hiring authorities. If you are just a thought that you have managed to come across this far, so the job is yours. So, you are already out of the game. All the interviews are revolving around a few basic elements;

What’s your value?

Whether you have enough skills and expertise to be a part of that office

Whether you have enough knowledge about the industry

Negotiation compensation

And following through.

A bad interview can ruin up any chance of yours on that particular day. Be prepared. Be on time. dressed well. And be confident throughout the process.


What to do instead:


Get yourself prepared. Learn about appropriate body language. And practice well before how to address tricky interview questions and being able to speak about your previous experience. And be sure to research what’s ongoing in that company and if possible learn about the person who is going to interview you ahead of time.


Ineffective Networking


Todays. The job search world is changing. And now proper networking is the key to get through of it. While most job seekers are too isolated and busy with their stuff. Sitting isolated at your computer and just typing away job applications will not help you much. As your job search needs human contact too!

What to do instead:

So, in the initial job search method, you must have spent 90% of your time in networking. But networking is not just talking about you or directly asking for a job. A big talker can not be the best networker, you must be a good listener. Don’t be shy about asking any guidance or their clear feedback. And remember, networking is mutual, it is not a selfish act. You have to be giving rather than stand on the taking end.


Either you are not following up or you are following up too aggressively


Have you not receive any call or email after a long time of interview? Whether you have attended an interview and networking meeting, you have to make sure to follow up with a simple call or email to show your gratitude for their time. But don’t overdo it. Be polite, consistent, and professional. This will help them to remember you even after the interview is over. And this may create opportunities for getting hired or get a chance for another meeting in the future.


What to do instead:


You should not send a mail before at least two weeks after the interview. As being too aggressiveness from your side can be considered as you are too desperate for the job. And that factor may weaken your position. Sometimes recruiters may like your profile but before getting back to you, they may keep your profile for 2-3 months in their database, if they do not have an appropriate position for you at that moment. And whenever you are sending a follow-up mail, write the subject line clearly, and keep the mail short and crisp and politely worded.


Final Thought:


Even savviest job applicants make just have to learn how to avoid these potential pitfalls to make your job search more effective and productive. Try yo focus on small, achievable goals each day. Act quickly. Lean on your community for support. And finally, try to be resilient and flexible with where your job search landed you up.