
Why Is ‘Training Needs Analysis’ Important To A Corporate?


Post date: 2020-06-09 05:36:59

Training is an integral part of any corporate environment. But does it always produce the desired results?

Various training needs analysis models have suggested that - training can be successful if and only if the “Training needs” of the participants can be properly evaluated. But, there is no definite formula for success here as these needs can vary from person to person.

An example will give a clear picture here-

Suppose a corporate house is looking to organize a training for its employees on "problem-solving skills ". The broad spectrum of "problem-solving skills “includes the following ‘sub-skills’-

Problem focus- One needs to go deep into the root of the problem, to be able to solve it within the given time frame.

Attention to Details- He needs to give proper attention to the minutest of the details associated with the problem. A person having only the “bird’s eye view” or a “big picture skill” will find it difficult to analyze the symptoms of the problem.

Methodical:  A systematic approach will help him a great deal to analyze and solve the problem.

Analytical skill: A proper analysis of the root cause will help him to find suitable solutions.

Differential thinking: It will help him to devise multiple solutions to a problem and choose the best-fit one from them.


Now, it’s important to understand that -one participant may not have “problem focus”; while another may lack “analytical skills” in him. Hence, imparting the same kind of training to them may not yield the desired results.

ComPAS (Competency Profiling and Assessment Services), is an NLP-based, online test by My First Boss where a  Training Needs Analysis analyzes & evaluates the training needs in an individual in a specific & measurable manner.

More details at